자연어 추론에서의 교차 검증 앙상블 기법
[HT.V0.1.12]Cross-Validation Ensemble Technique in Natural Language Inference
[HT.V0.1.12]Cross-Validation Ensemble Technique in Natural Language Inference
[HT.V0.1.11]Statistical-Based Korean News Emotional Analysis
[HT.V0.1.10]Transition Learning Model to Overcome Small Data Limits
[HT.V0.1.9]Dependency Parser
[HT.V0.1.8]Parsing Dependent on Korean Language Using Stack-Pointer Network
[HT.V0.1.7]bilingual word Embedding with parallel coppers
[HT.V0.1.6]Character-Level Presentation Technology with Bag of Characters
[HT.V0.1.5]Automatic character classification technology
[HT.V0.1.4]Named Entity Recognition
[HT.V0.1.3]Korean Morphological Analyzer